Christian Harder is a professional poker player.

This player is very much skilled and a very sharp poker player. He plays the game with all the new tricks and the methods he is very much concerned towards the game. He loves the profession he has chosen. He choose this profession at a very young age and has achievement much titles cashes and many achievements in the game but he is not completely satisfied with his playing skills he wants to achieve more and become one of the final tables in the poker game.
This player comes with the winning spirit in the game and o matter whether he wins or loses the game he is satisfied with it and if he loses then he learns from his mistakes and look at it that he won’t repeat these mistakes again. He always learns from his mistakes and also looks at his opponent in a very sharp way and also learns from them the methods of playing he captures the weakness of the players and keeps a check on it until the next game with the same player and then looking at the weakness he attacks the player. Continue reading Christian Harder works and plays the poker game